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Our Story

As someone who was born and raised in the United States and learned Indian classical dance throughout the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s, I've made it my mission to provide the emerging Indian classical performing arts community in this country with more support than I had two decades ago. Throughout my 20s, I found that I was constantly starting from "scratch" in order to find interesting educational and performing opportunities, as well as a community to sustain my dancing once I was done with my arangetram, particularly when I graduated college.


In the last year, I’ve spoken to numerous individuals currently in this phase of their lives.  I've come to realize that while the Indian classical performing arts community has grown in population and talent, we are still disconnected.  We have too informal of a network to elevate our performing artists to a place where they have a strong and steady stream of sustainable nation-wide support. 


Thus, with the input  of many people and organizations, me and my small team have embarked on a mission: to inspire, support and advocate for U.S.-based emerging performing artists and advanced practitioners of Indian classical genres, so that they have the freedom and opportunity to continue their education and showcase these art forms within and beyond the Indian diaspora.


Currently, our plan is to be a hub for learning about opportunities, while we do some behind-the-scenes-work to help create them.  Eventually, we hope to bring the community together virtually and in-person to help facilitate connection, unearth more effective strategies for support, and execute plans of action.  Don't be afraid to tell us what you need, because we are here to serve you!


Vani Krishnamurthy 

Meet the Team

Board of Advisors

These passionate and accomplished individuals have volunteered their time, feedback, and support for our efforts.

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